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  • Writer's pictureIz S

The Remarkable Journey Of Coyote Sunrise

For five years, Coyote and her Dad, Rodeo, have lived in a converted school bus traveling the country.

Five years is also how long Coyote's sisters and mom have been dead. Five years ago, Rodeo made going back to Coyote's home town a no-go. Which was fine by Coyote, until she gets the call that her favorite playground is being torn down. For most twelve year olds, that isn't a big deal, but for Coyote, the only tangible memories of her mom and sisters rests underground there. Memories that can be destroyed in days if Coyote doesn't find the box. So Coyote has to get her and Rodeo across the country in four days. Along the way, they pick up some peculiar travelers that just might become lifelong friends. And this might just be your new fave.

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